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Curious Elixirs - No. 6-image

Curious Elixirs - No. 6

Curious Elixirs - No. 6

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A booze-free tropical tipple that infuses cream of coconut, pineapple, citrus, oat milk, and chicory root with lemon balm and nutmeg to help you unwind, plus aloe and neroli for a beauty boost.

Additional Details
Format: four 12 oz bottles
Ingredients: Coconut cream, Organic pineapple juice concentrate, Organic orange juice concentrate, Organic lime juice concentrate, Organic lemon juice concentrate, Oat milk & aloe concentrates, Extracts of lemon balm, American Oak, chicory, ginger, nutmeg, neroli,black pepper, Black strap molasses essence.
ABV: <0.5%
Basic Serve: Chilled with fresh grated nutmeg
Buy from The Zero Proof: https://thezeroproof.pxf.io/baqJOv
Suggested Retail Price: 39.99 USD for four 12 oz bottles